2016 Dec 11th – 灵命之旅-(21)不会太老 Not too old – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 11.12.16

讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :灵命之旅-(二十一)不会太老
Title : Spiritual journey: (21) Not too old
经文 :徒Acts 7:20-34

1) 神会训练你到足够
God will train you till it is enough
i) 摩西的两个四十年
Moses’ two forty-years: v23, 30
ii) 八十岁神开始用他
God started using him at 80
iii) 重点是在神时间里
The crucial thing is to be in God’s time

2) 在生命最高峰结束
To end at highest peak of life: *申Deut. 34:1-7
i) 超自然恩典与力量
Supernatural grace and strength: v7
ii) 事奉至死光荣结束
Serve till death and end gloriously
iii) 寿终时与神最亲密
Closest with God at time of death: v6