2016 Sep 18th – 灵命之旅 – (十三)安静和安息的重要 Spiritual journey: (13) The importance to be still and to rest – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 18.09.16

讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :灵命之旅 – (十三)安静和安息的重要
Title : Spiritual journey: (13) The importance to be still and to rest
经文 :出 Ex. 20:8-11

1) 神本身强调和示范
God emphasises and demonstrates personally:
创 Gen. 2:2-3; 出 Ex. 20:8-11
* “安息”/ “rested” (Sabbath):
停止 to stop, 中断 to cease, 保住 to keep
i) 并不是什么都不做
Not saying not doing anything at all
ii) 放下单为自己忙碌
Laying down just working for ourselves
iii) 祝福人和做神所要
Blessing others and doing what God wants:
* 可 Mk. 3:1-5

2) 重点是安息在主里
Crucial to rest in the Lord
i) 有休息才能继续走
Rest so that we can continue to walk:
* 诗 Psalm 23:2-3
ii) 才能看到神的作为
Only then we see the work of God:
* 出 Ex. 14:13-14; 诗 Psalm 46:8-11

iii) 耶稣是安息日的主
Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath:
* 可 Mark 2:27-28; 路 Luke 13:10-16