2016 June 19th – 神非常看重父母 God really values parents – Pastor GT Lim

蒙福主日 (双亲节) 19.06.16 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :神非常看重父母
Title : God really values parents

1) 发命令要孝敬父母 Commands us to honour parents
i) 紧接关乎神的诫命 Follows immediately commandmentsconcerning God: 出 Ex. 20:12
ii) 第一条带应许诫命 First commandment with a promise: 弗 Eph. 6:1-3

2) 基督徒当有的见证 Testimony Christians should have
i) 先在家中学着行孝 Learn first to honour parents and elders at home: 提前 1 Tim. 5:4
ii) 不然比非信徒不好 Otherwise worse than an unbeliever: 提前 1 Tim. 5:8