2016 July 17th – 平安 Peace – Sis. Chiew Ling

蒙福主日 17.07.16 讲员:郑秋霖 (Sis. Chiew Ling)
主题 :平安 Title : Peace
经文 Scripture :赛 Isa. 2:1-5; 约 John 14:16-31, 33

1) 真正的世界和平
The real world peace is: 2:1-5, 太Mt. 24:6-14
i) 当列国归向上帝时
When all nations have turned to God
ii) 当万民听到上帝的话教导时 When all nations are taught of His laws
iii) 当万民行上帝的路时 When all nations walk in His way
iv) 当平安之君治理审判时 When the Prince of Peace rules and judges
v) 不再有战争 No more wars

2) 心里的平安 The inner peace: 约Jn.14:16-31; 16:33
i) 耶稣预先告诉我们 Informed ahead of time:约Jn.14:29, 16:33
ii) 常在圣灵里 Abide in the Holy Spirit: 约Jn.14:17,26, 16:33
iii) 来自耶稣的平安 Peace from Him: 约Jn.14:27, 16:33