2016 June 5th – 灵命之旅(5): 顺服神拣选的领袖 Spiritual journey(5): Obey the leaders chosen by God – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 05.06.16 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :灵命之旅: (五)顺服神拣选的领袖
Title : Spiritual journey: (5) Obey the leaders chosen by God
经文 Scripture :民Numbers12:1-12;16:1-3,16-21, 31-35

1) 没权力攻击神所拣选
No authority to oppose God’s choice
i) 尽管看到领袖的问题
Even if you see the leader’s problems:
* 民Num.12:1
ii) 尽管其他人也有条件
Even if others have qualifications too: * 12:2; 16:1-3
ii) 尽管其他人也有条件
Even if others have qualifications too:
* 12:2; 16:1-3
iii) 尽管很多人与你同感
Even if many feel the same: *16:2

2) 人攻击领袖主要原因
Basic reasons for opposing leaders
i) 骄傲觉得自己也很懂 Pride- thinking highly of oneself
ii) 妒忌觉得自己也配得
Jealousy- thinking oneself is entitled too
ii) 妒忌觉得自己也配得
Jealousy- thinking oneself is entitled too
iii) 抗拒领袖是自取刑罚
Rebelling against leaders will bring judgment on oneself: * 罗Romans 13:1-2
* 民Numbers 12:10-12; 16:31-33, 35