2016 March 27th – Spiritual journey: (2) Process of baptism 灵命之旅:(二)洗礼过程 – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 27.03.16 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :灵命之旅:(二)洗礼过程
Title : Spiritual journey: (2) Process of baptism
经文 Scripture :出 Ex. 14:5-31

1) 魔鬼会尽量阻止
The devil will try his best to stop
i) 让你惧怕和灰心
Make you afraid and discouraged: *v9-11
ii) 让你想念旧生活
Make you miss your past life: v12
iii) 你坚持它也紧追
You persist and he will pursue: *v21-23

2) 但神绝对会保守你
But God will definitely protect you
i) 神必定为你争战
God will definitely fight for you: v13
ii) 静默不随便讲话
Be still and not to simply speak: v14
iii) 预备看神行大事
31 Be prepared to see God’s mightly work: *v29-