2016 Jan 17th 真正的好同伴 Truly good companions – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 17.01.16 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :真正的好同伴
Title : Truly good companions
经文 :但Daniel 1 Scripture

1) 在一个大环境里
In a big environment: v3-13
i) 会接触不同的人
Will come into contact different people
ii) 随波逐流或逆流
Flow with or against the current
ii) 随波逐流或逆流
Flow with or against the current
iii) 我们都能够选择 We all have a choice

2) 谁才是对的同伴
Who are the right companions
i) 影响你敬畏神的
Those who influence you to fear God
ii) 绝不妥协真理的
Those who will not compromise God’s Truth: *3:8-20; 6:6-10
ii) 绝不妥协真理的
Those who will not compromise God’s Truth:
*3:8-20; 6:6-10
iii) 同心同行同分享
Same heart, same walk and will share with
you: *2:12-19, 48-49

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