2015 Jan 18th 经济好转之路(续) The path to financial improvement (cont.) – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 18.01.15 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :经济好转之路(续)
Title : The path to financial improvement (cont.)
经文 :玛 Malachi 3:6-12 Scripture

3) 为何人不守奉献 Why do people not observe offerings?
i) 不信真理信谎言 Believe in lies rather than Truth
ii) 依然被金钱捆绑 Still bound by money
iii) 不怕夺取神之物 Not afraid of robbing God: v8-9

4) 几句忠言来相劝 Some words of wisdom as advice
i) 是投资不是抽税 Investment not tax
ii) 是得着不是损失 Receiving not losing
iii) 是加添不是减少 Increasing not decreasing * 约 Jn 6: 5-13
iv) 不种岂能有收成 No harvest without sowing
v) 不信岂能有神迹 No miracle without believing
vi) 不行岂能说相信 No faith without action

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