2014 June 22nd – 大卫帐幕的重建 The rebuilding of David’s tent – Pastor GT Lim

蒙福主日 22.06.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 Title: 大卫帐幕的重建: The rebuilding of David’s tent
经文 Scripture:摩 Amos 9:8-15

1) 重建是神心意 God’s desire to rebuild
i) 要百姓先悔改
Wants His people to repent first: v8-10
ii) 要外邦人得救
Wants the Gentiles saved: v12

2) 神百姓会蒙福
God’s people will be blessed
i) 将作首不作尾
Will be the head not tail: v13
ii) 生活恢复丰盛
Abundant life restored: v14-15