2014 March 30th 圣灵浇灌后 After the outpouring – Pastor GTLIm

主题 Title: 圣灵浇灌后 : After the outpouring
经文 Scripture: 徒 Acts 2:36 – 47
蒙福主日 30.03.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

1) 圣灵充满过后
After being filled with the Holy Spirit
i) 完成主的命令
Fulfill the Lord’s command: * 太Mt 28:19-20; 徒Acts 1:8
ii) 有效的传福音
Effectively spread the Gospel: * 徒Acts 2:37-41

2) 建立门徒方式
Method in building up disciples: * 徒Acts 2:42-47
i) 团契建立感情
Building up relationships in fellowship: * v44-46
ii) 教导神的真理
Teaching of God’s truths: v42 * 太Mt 28:20

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