2014 Jan 26th – The Blessings of Jabez 雅比斯的福 – 林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 26.01.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :雅比斯的福
Title : The Blessings of Jabez
经文 :代上 1Chron. 4: 9-10 Scripture

1) 特别引神注意 Specially noticed by God
i) 特别停留提及 Specially stopped for and mentioned
ii) 应允他所求的 Granted his request

2) 他有什么特别
What is so special about him?
i) 出世就被咒诅 Cursed from birth
ii) 却能活出尊贵 But lived to be honourable